One of my FAVORITE parts of decorating cakes is getting to deliver them; especially when the recipient is NOT expecting a CAKE!!! I LOVE delivering Birthday Cakes to BYU-Idaho students when they are far from home …and sometimes even celebrating their Birthday for the first time without their families. Seeing their faces light up and some even start to cry …I cry with them …and usually give them a BIG Hug …and tell them it’s from their Mom …because that’s what I would want a Crazy Cake lady in another state or country to do if it were my child. This cake was a Special Birthday delivery to a little gal on campus who is a long way from home. Her Mother was so kind & gracious about me making a cake for her daughter’s Birthday. You could just feel the love over the phone that this family has for their daughter/sister. This cake was made in ALL CHOCOLATE!!! A CHOCOLATE Fudge Cake with OREO Cookie Fudge filling …frosted in CHOCOLATE Buttercream …because she LOVES Chocolate!!! Her roommates looked pretty excited over this delivery as well …LOL That’s Okay there was enough there to SHARE the LOVE!!! Happy Birthday Sisi!